
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Arts/Cultural Blog Post #6: Self Evaluation, etc.

#1 Self-Evaluation
It's unreal how fast this semester flew by. It feels like just yesterday I was the big quiet hockey player from Florida looking for my first friends here. Now I'm a completely different person... or so it feels like. I learned so much this semester, from managing my time, to putting school first, to even getting the right amount of sleep. College is no joke, you have to be focused to succeed.

When it comes to Penn State, I learned a ton. Being from out of state, I never dreamed of going here. I always pictured myself at a Miami or a hockey school in the Northeast. But ever since I've made my decision to come here, I've been in love with this place. I feel like if you love the school, the school will love you back. Just ask the football team about that!

What I learned about myself was that I can handle change and adversity. As many of you know, I came here to play hockey. That plan unfortunately needed to be put on hold this year because of a shoulder injury. When the news came down, I took it hard. I was borderline depressed for about a week and seriously considered leaving and never stepping foot in an ice rink again. Luckily for me, I found something to pick me up. I joined a fraternity and got heavily involved with Greek life and realized there was much more to this school for me than hockey. I can proudly say that I'm a much happier, better person now than when I first enrolled here.

Overall, this semester has been a great learning experience for me. I now know what to expect in the future and what to do to make myself a successful student and person here. I really enjoyed this class- especially the teacher! Thanks so much for everything!

#2 Blog Comments

#3 SRTE Evaluations

Hi Ms. S-- I completed my SRTEs!

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